Self change: The process of elimination


Out with the old and in with the new

I have decided now that I have embarked on my Journey of fitness and weight loss I feel the need for change in my personality.   I don’t know if anyone has experienced this but when I was larger than what I am now I found I was angry with the world in aspects of my life!  From little silly things like road rage, getting annoyed and Co- workers, to even picking fights with my husband of the silliest of things.   I have finally come to the realisation that I do not want to be that person so I have decided to have a new perspective on life and all things in general including who I choose to associate myself with.  So this means a complete overhaul in friends and shifting old attitudes to accommodate new ones!



The change that I am about to go through is scary, and I know that it’s all for the best.  This is me trying to prepare for what is yet to come which is undergoing fertility treatment.  I feel that in order for whatever treatment we choose I need to be in the right frame of mind and not to stress so much.  Stress for me is something that occurs daily and I need to find ways to ensure it never gets to that point.  This is the sole purpose of creating this blog was also to keep track of how my mindset and attitudes have changed and also a reminder that it can happen.  Change is a major thing and at times can be a something that is required.  This major “Revamp” of self that I am about to undergo is HUGE.  Never in my life would I have thought that I would need to ever change.  All these other changes are happening in my life at the moment with work, weight-loss and everything else so it only makes sense to eliminate the negatives in my life wouldn’t  you think?



This picture says it all.  The future is exciting and I have to learn to trust in the process.  However here are a few of the steps to my own process of elimination a checklist if you must:

1. No negative thoughts or thinking.

By looking at each issue or situation and seeing only positive outcomes and attitudes.  Being a little more open-minded

2. No more road rage

I know this may be silly but I feel the anger I have when I have road rage is out of Control and can lead to dangerous situations so no more!!

3. Take a look at who I associate with and make the decision whether or not they are what I need I this very moment in times of change.  

One thing with me is I tend to associate myself with people who are not as like-minded as I am so i need to start reviewing my friends and determining who I don’t and do need in my life right now.

4. Stop being so judgmental

I tend to judge others a lot in all aspects from their clothing right through to their relationship status.

By looking at each individuals situation and being helpful and supportive and not critical but constructive in the feedback I choose to verbalise.

5. A complete overhaul In thoughts and thinking.

This is a major one and I know it will be hard VERY hard.  I will need support here and that is when my Husband plays a role.  He helps me see the good in every situation and he is just so positive. (I knew there was a reason why we married each other he he)

Lastly this one doesn’t need to be numbered! is listen to my husband more he is a wise man and he is just so kind to people. I think this is where he will help me the most as he is very humble, respectful and knows that I’m the exact opposite lol.  My husband plays major part in all my life and I think to include him in helping me through this elimination process he would to see that I’m changing for us and for our future!


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